Other domestic institutions that offer foreign commercial loans shall apply to foreign exchange control agencies, which shall make decisions on whether granting an approval or not according to the assets and liabilities of the applicants. 其他境内机构向境外提供商业贷款,应当向外汇管理机关提出申请,外汇管理机关根据申请人的资产负债等情况作出批准或者不批准的决定;
Article 16 The overseas use of foreign exchange insurance funds shall lay stress on the match with foreign exchange liabilities in respect of term structure and currency structure. 第十六条保险外汇资金的境外运用应当注重在期限结构、币种结构等方面与外汇资金的负债相匹配。
The sum of the total amount of the guarantee of foreign exchange provided by a non-financial institution and its total amount of foreign liabilities may not exceed the ceiling prescribed by the People's Bank of China. 非银行金融机构提供的外汇担保总额与对外债务总额之和,最高不得超过人民银行规定的限额。
As for its own foreign-related revenues and foreign payment, the authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange need not make indirect reports of statistics of balance of payments, but shall make the reports of overseas assets, liabilities, profits and losses of financial institution. 外汇指定银行自身涉外收入和对外款无需进行国际收支统计间接申报,但须进行金融机构境外资产、负债及损益申报。
Where the foreign stock exchange violates the criminal law, it shall assume criminal liabilities. 触犯刑法的,依法追究刑事责任。
The report also argued for stricter borrowing criteria, highlighting the risks for the China Investment Corporation of holding foreign exchange assets and domestic currency liabilities, which "might prove costly if the yuan appreciates". 亚行的这份报告还赞成实行更严格的借贷标准,突显中国投资有限公司(cic)持有外汇资产和本币负债的风险,“如果人民币升值,此举可能将付出沉重代价”。
China's commercial banks are important participants of the foreign exchange market. Their choosing assets and liabilities practice will influence the fluctuation of the exchange rate. 我国商业银行是外汇市场的重要参与者,其自身的资产负债选择行为影响着汇率的变动。
Foreign exchange risk will bring exchange loss to the import and export enterprises, result in the increase of foreign currency assets and liabilities, will even affect operation strategies of the import and export enterprise. 外汇风险会给进出口企业带来汇兑损失,造成外币资产的缩水和负债的增加,甚至会影响进出口企业的经营战略。